The Annual Meeting and voting in of new officers and directors will be held at the beginning of our April 11 meeting.

Regarding Officers and Directors, Our ByLaws state; The Society shall be governed by an executive board, herein referred to as the “Board”. The Board shall be comprised of the officers and not less than 6 directors. One of the Board directors shall be a professional archaeologist and not subject to term limitations. The Officers shall be the following: President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. Directors shall be elected for a staggered three-year term. President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary shall be elected for a term of two years. If after the term of an officer is completed and the nominating committee cannot find a suitable candidate for the position, the officer may be re-elected for a one-year term.

The 2017 slate of officers and directors are:

President, Steve Koski (re-elect one year);
Vice President, Linda Elligott (second year of three-year term);
Secretary, Hilda Boron (re-elect one year);
Kate Cattran (re-elect one year)

Rita Bass (second year of two-year term);
Judie Bauer (second year of two-year term);
Jack Bauer (second year of two-year term);
Loraine Hawkins (re-elect one year);
Rik Jimison (new nominee)
Linda Massey, Membership Secretary (re-elect one year);
Carol Myers (re-elect one year);
Betty Nugent (re-elect one year);
Judith Ribarick (second year of two-year term);
Joan San Lwin (new nominee);
and George Haag, Honorary